Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Kara is feeling much, much better, and is able to be more active than she has been -- going for short walks, taking Emma to school, and the like. The prayers have been working!

- Please pray that the side effects of the treatment continue to diminish and she is able to enjoy her time between chemotherapy treatments.

- Please pray for continued optimism, faith, high spirits, and a positive outlook for Kara through this trying time.

- Please pray that the treatments are successful in eradicating the cancer, permanently.

Thank you so much. It is so good to hear that Kara is so much better after what was a rough last week. The thoughts and prayers you have been so gracious to devote to Kara have really helped her through it.


Dee said...

Hello Kara and All!

God is sooooo GOOD! Thank you, John and Jean for this powerful website that so demonstrates the power of prayer! I see the power of prayer working as I read each segment! Glory to Our Lord Jesus!

I am so thankful you are so surrounded by such warriors! It is so heartwarming to see your loved ones - so many - putting on the Armor of God, continually fighting for you. What an awesome gift.

I am also reminded of Granny Scoggin, Aunt Neta; Uncle Warner who spent their lives laying the foundations for the fruits we are reaping. Thanking Jesus for our God Faith Heritage.

Thanking Him, Praising Him for His continual Special Blessings on you and yours.

Because of Him,

Dee and Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara - I am a fellow BYM member and I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. Leslie Hassen