Thursday, April 27, 2006

Good News

Kara's "special" biopsy from Arizona came back and the protein-type of her tumors is such that there are several very promising drugs that they haven't yet tried, that wouldn't have ordinarily been tried with neuroendocrine cancer. But because they know more specifically the make-up of her tumors, they can hopefully treat them more effectively with these other drugs.

Kara and the family are looking forward to coming together for John and Carrie's wedding this weekend. It will be a very small ceremony in La Grange, at a little bed and breakfast there. Emma and Luke will be in charge of spreading out flower petals, and will have to start practicing calling Carrie "Aunt Carrie."

Kara is still very weak and her bloodcounts were too low this week to continue with chemotherapy. They will adjust her drugs per the new biopsy results and restart chemo early next week.

- Thank you God for the advancements in technology and treatment that will help the doctors treat Kara's cancer better.
- Thank you God for happy days like the one coming up that bring the family together.
- Thank you God for continuing to give us hope that Kara will be cured.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for increased strength for Kara, so that chemo can proceed as needed.
- Please pray that this new chemo regimen will be successful.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Chemo Postponed

Kara's chemo this week was postponed because her bloodcounts still weren't where they should be. She's very fatigued, and hopefully this little break from the drugs will help her recover some more energy.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for increased energy for Kara, and that chemo may resume next week.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from her body, permanently.

Thank you.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Kara's blood transfusion went smoothly, and she is already feeling better. She should continue to have increased energy as the new blood kicks in.

It was a good Easter weekend, and the kids are now at the right age to enjoy looking forward to the Easter Bunny and hunting for Easter eggs. Luke thought he was hot stuff in his hat and suit and tie ("just like Daddy"), and Kara had found matching mother-daughter dresses for herself and Emma.

Kara has another "short" round of chemo on Thursday.

The photos are better organized on Flickr now, if you want to check them out.

- Thank you God for the gift of your Son and for the time together as a family to celebrate it.
- Thank you God for the knowledge and technology that can help Kara feel better.
- Thank you God for continuing to provide Kara with such loving friends, family, and church family that give her such support, encouragement, hope, and love.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for increased energy for Kara.
- Please pray that Kara tolerates her chemotherapy.
- Please pray that the the cancer is eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you.

Monday, April 17, 2006


Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.


Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.


Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.


Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.

Easter Photos Up

Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.
Photos of the family from Easter are online at Flickr. I left my computer cord in Houston, so I'm really low on battery power. I will post more tomorrow, but I wanted to get these to you today.

Everyone had a great time at Easter -- the Easter Bunny visited Emma and Luke, and the family went to a lovely Easter service at chuch.

Kara is very anemic and feeling it, but she should rebound quickly after getting her transfusion tomorrow. Please pray for more energy for Kara, and that the cancer be eradicated from her body, permanently. Thank you.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Chemo Today

Kara has her long day of chemotherapy today. Her bloodwork revealed that her bloodcounts are really low, so she will go in on Tuesday to have some transfusions to boost those levels. Hopefully that will also help Kara feel less fatigued -- she is pretty low-energy now from the past few rounds of chemo and her low bloodcounts. Kara's also on antibiotics because Emma has a case of walking pneumonia and is herself on antibiotics.

Hopefully everyone will be feeling better by Easter so we can enjoy the day together. Mom and Dad will be back from a packing trip in Joplin, and Matt's mom will be in Houston, too.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for good health for Kara over the weekend while she waits for the blood transfusions.
- Please pray that Kara tolerates this round of chemotherapy well.
- Please pray that the cancer be permanently eradicated from Kara's body.

Thank you. We hope you all enjoy a wonderful, happy Easter with your friends and families.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Novalis Completed

Kara had her last round of Novalis yesterday, and it went smoothly. The oncological radiologist who performed her Novalis was very upbeat and encouraging in their last meeting. Kara will have more scans in about six-to-eight weeks to recheck her liver.

Kara continues with chemotherapy on Thursday. Thursday will be her "long day" of treatment, and then over the next two weeks she will return for more brief treatments.

Matt's mom is in Houston this week having fun spoiling Emma and Luke and will be able to spend Easter with the family.

- Thank you God for a complication-free completion of the Novalis.
- Thank you God for the new technology and skilled physicians that have helped Kara fight the cancer.
- Thank you God, as we look to Easter, for the gift of your Son and the gift of hope.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara tolerates her chemotherapy well.
- Please pray for increased energy for Kara, so she can enjoy the holiday with her family.
- Please pray that the cancer is eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Kara's Novalis treatment continues this week. She had another treatment on Monday and one today, and both went smoothly. She has another treatment on Friday and again next Monday. Matt has been out of town at a cancer research conference all week and Kara and the kids are looking forward to his coming home.

- Thank you God for the advances in technology that you continue to provide in fighting cancer. To think, this time last year, Novalis was only able to be performed on the brain!
- Thank you God for providing Kara with such a wonderful network of support, encouragement, and love.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara continues to tolerate her treatment well.
- Please pray for increased energy for Kara.
- Please pray that the cancer is eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you.