Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Emma and Luke spent the long weekend at the farm so that they could have fun playing in the country while giving Kara the chance to rest up from her fifth round of chemotherapy. Home health care visited the house last week and started an IV to keep Kara hydrated, and she was feeling pretty good for the beginning of the weekend.

Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.

We had a scare in the early hours on Sunday morning -- Kara had gotten up too quickly and lost consciousness, and after she collapsed she had a few tremors. Matt wasn't sure if she was having a seizure, so he called an ambulance and she was taken to the ER. Thankfully, it was nothing more than low electrolytes that caused the fainting spell, so they kept her through Monday at noon to give her a boost of electrolytes. What we had hoped would be a quiet, peaceful weekend for Kara ended up not going according to plan, but she did feel a lot better after having her electrolytes replenished at the hospital.

Until today, Kara had not been very nauseated, and had been able to keep food down well. She's had a nausea spell tonight, however, and we're hopeful it will not continue. She's still very weak and fatigued, despite the IV fluids and having the electrolyte boost. She is glad to have her children back home with her, and hear Emma's stories about her time at the farm.

Lastly, Kara's beloved and faithful dog, Kallie, passed away this weekend. Kallie had been with Kara in high school, at Baylor, during her years at Kansas State, and on to Houston -- wherever Kara was, that's where Kallie wanted to be. Kallie had the best of the qualities that make dogs such special companions: intelligence, unfailing loyalty, and boundless devotion to Kara. This loss is quite hard for Kara, being the animal lover that she is, and Kallie was like a child to her before she had children of her own. Though Kara knew this was coming, it still is not easy to say goodbye to such a dear friend, especially at such a time in her life as this.

Kallie's Tree
Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara's nausea and fatigue subside.
- Please pray for physical and spiritual comfort for Kara during this trying time.
- Please pray that the cancer is eradicated from her body, permanently.

Thank you for continuing to keep Kara in your prayers.

Update Tonight

Please check back tonight for an update on Kara. Thank you.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Home Again

Kara returned home last night, on her and Matt's ninth wedding anniversary. So far this round of chemo has been more comfortable for her. A home health aid has been to the house today, and is administering IV fluids to help Kara stay hydrated.

- Thank you God for the wonderful test results; for your mercy and for answering our prayers.
- Thank you God for staying by Kara, and letting her feel your presence and love for her, reassuring her that she is not alone.
- Thank you God for seeing Kara safely through this long treatment process without any major complications.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that the side effects will be minimal following this round of chemotherapy.
- Please pray for physical and spiritual comfort for Kara during this trying time.
- Please pray that the cancer is eradicated from her body, permanently.

Thank you for all of your words of encouragement and love for Kara, and your continued prayers.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Fifth Round of Chemotherapy Begins

Kara will begin her fifth of six rounds of chemotherapy today. I believe they will be trying a different anti-nausea cocktail to try to prevent her being so sick for so long afterwards. It is likely she will have a home health aid come to the house after she is released to give her IV fluids, to prevent her getting dehydrated from the nausea.

Kara's test results were great -- no new tumors, nor even hints of new growth. The lesions in her brain appear to have been destroyed by the Novalis radiation. The spot on her liver is further decreasing. The OctreoScan showed no somastatin activity, which as I understand it roughly means that the existing tumors are now inactive and the cancer does not appear to be trying to spread elsewhere! She will meet with her oncologist tonight, and he will be able to tell her more fully what the results mean, and how they impact his plans for treatment. As always, when we know more, we'll let you know ASAP.

Kara was able to enjoy the festivities surrounding John's graduation. We joined Carrie's family for a celebratory dinner on Friday night, and on Saturday attended the graduation and reception afterwards. Kara has a wheelchair now that she can use when there are long distances she would have to walk, and it has helped her be able to do more than she would be able to without, given how weak chemo has made her. She wasn't able to go to church yesterday, though, because Luke had an earache, and he spent most of the day cuddling with Mommy and being comforted by her. Emma has been very sweet throughout this, and said yesterday that she was "going to help Mommy get better -- Mommy can pick up the little things, and Emma will get the big things. And Mommy will be better soon." She also rubs her "medicine" (antiseptic that Mommy puts on the kids' ouchies) on Mommy's tummy when it's upset.

- Thank you God for the wonderful test results; for your mercy and for answering our prayers. Thank you for staying by Kara, and letting her feel your presence and love for her, reassuring her that she is not alone.
- Thank you God for seeing Kara safely through neurosurgery, radiation treatment, and four rounds of chemotherapy, without any major problems like infections, really low blood counts, and shot veins. We thank you that though this hasn't been easy for her, you've made it easier by keeping her strong and healthy enough to continue the treatment.
- Thank you God for giving Kara strength to enjoy this weekend with her family, and for the love that the children continue to give her during the time she's not able to play with them as much as she used to.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for health for Kara though this round of chemo -- that her veins hold up, that her bloodwork stays where it needs to be, and that she remains infection-free.
- Please pray for physical and spiritual comfort for Kara during this trying time.
- Please pray that the side effects will be minimal following this round.
- Please pray that the cancer is eradicated from her body, permanently.

Thank you for sharing your time, energy, thoughts, and prayers with Kara. Your prayers have been invaluable to Kara, and God is answering them! Our prayer is that he continues to do so.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Good News

Kara has just recevied very encouraging test results. There is no new growth and all of the known cancer is continuing to shrink. I'm receiving the news through the grapevine, so details are sketchy. But we wanted to post the good news as soon as possible for those who are anxious to know how the tests turned out. This has been very encouraging for Kara, since the cumulative effects of the chemotheraphy have been wearing her down. She has two more rounds to go, with the next one starting Monday. We hope the good news will help see her through the remainder of her chemo.

Thank you for keeping Kara in your thoughts and prayers.


No news yet on the test results, and we don't expect any until after the weekend, most likely. Kara was at the hospital for most of the day yesterday, until about 9pm. Despite being tired out from running around so much these past few days (and having to fast for one of the tests), Kara is feeling better than she was last weekend, and looks forward to celebrating John's graduation with the family. Today is Emma's last Tumble Bears class, and Kara was going to try to make it to that, come home and rest, and then go to a family graduation dinner for John and his girlfriend, Carrie.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for positive test results.
- Please pray that Kara feels God's presence and peace during this difficult period.
- Please pray that the treatment eradicates the cancer from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you very much. With two more rounds of chemo ahead, good news would be very welcome.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Tests Begin Today

Kara will undergo a battery of tests today and tomorrow. She will have the OctreoScan, a PET scan, another MRI, and another CT scan. Today and tomorrow will be very busy for her, and very physically draining and emotionally fraught. Please continue to pray for her as you have been doing throughout this process.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for positive test results.
- Please pray that Kara feels God's presence and peace during this difficult period.
- Please pray that the treatment eradicates the cancer from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you very much. Kara faces about two more months of chemo-sickness, and it would be so wonderful if she could go into the next two rounds knowing that she is being healed as she is being made so sick, that all of our prayers are being answered.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Surgery Update

Kara met with the surgeon her oncologist recommended today, and he thinks it best to remove the tumor and part of her liver surgically rather than use the radiofrequency ablation procedure. So for now, her chemotherapy will continue as scheduled, with her fifth round starting on Monday, and her sixth round three weeks after that. Then after she has gotten some strength back, she will go in for the liver surgery. That will be a major operation.

Tests This Week

Kara will undergo several tests today and tomorrow to check the status of the tumors. She also meets with the surgeon today to discuss possible ways of removing the liver tumor, and when that will be done.

Receiving a good report following the tests will mean so much to Kara, as she faces two more rounds of chemotherapy and feels the accumulated effects of the drugs. She no longer has much of a "good" week before having to go back in for the next round, and she could use the boost of knowing the chemotherapy is doing what it needs to do, in addition to making her feel so terrible.

Prayer Requests
- Please pray for positive test results.
- Please pray for increased energy and strength for Kara.
- Please pray that Kara feels comforted and reassured by God's sustaining love and peace.
- Please pray that the treatment eradicates the cancer from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you for your prayers and words of love and encouragement.

Friday, May 13, 2005


Kara is still fighting pretty bad nausea. She has not eaten anything substantial since going in for her last round of chemotherapy. She is sticking to Gatorade and frozen Gatorade.

Next week will be a big week of tests for Kara, and and will hopefully bring good news. We still don't know when the radiofrequency ablation procedure will be.

Prayer Requests
- Please pray for the swift reduction in Kara's side effects.
- Please pray for positive test results next week.
- Please pray that Kara feels comforted and reassured by God's sustaining love and peace.
- Please pray that the treatment eradicates the cancer from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you for your prayers and words of love and encouragement.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Tests Next Week

Kara went in to the hospital yesterday to have some bloodwork done -- a blood sample was taken and she was given a shot for her red blood cells. As she was nauseated while she was there, they kept her for awhile and hydrated her with IV fluids. Her oncologist's nurse says that Kara is doing really well on a very tough regimen.

Kara will have several tests performed next week. The first one is a new test called an OctreoScan ( http://www.msit.com/qap_oct.html ). It is not used very often, and is very specific to the type of cancer Kara has, as it detects a subtance called somatostatin, of which neuroendocrine tumors have a high density. That test will be started on May 18 and completed on May 19. She will also have a PET Scan and CT Scan on the May 19.

It also looks likely that sometime before her next round of chemo, she will have what remains of the tumor in her liver removed by radiofrequency ablation therapy, which works like a microwave to heat the tumor up to the point it is destroyed. She has a doctor's appointment on Monday to determine when the procedure will be done. It is an out-patient procedure. When we know more, we will let you know.

Next week will be a big week for Kara, and will hopefully bring good news.

Prayer Requests
- Please pray for the swift reduction in Kara's side effects.
- Please pray for positive test results next week.
- Please pray that Kara feels comforted and reassured by God's sustaining love and peace.
- Please pray that the treatment eradicates the cancer from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you for your prayers and words of love and encouragement.

Monday, May 09, 2005


Kara had a quiet weekend at home, trying to minimize her nausea and fatigue. She has been continuing to have problems keeping much of anything down, including simple things like Jello and broth. She will have another round of tests next week to check on the shrinking of the tumors.

Prayer Requests
- Please pray for the swift reduction in Kara's side effects.
- Please pray that Kara feels the comfort and reassurance of God's sustaining love and peace.
- Please pray that the treatment eradicates the cancer from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you for your prayers and words of concern and encouragement.

Update Shortly

Please check back tonight for an update on Kara. It was a rough weekend for Kara, but she's getting through it. Thank you.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Home Now

Kara is home now and is quite wiped out. She was given a strong anti-nausea cocktail, and she slept for most of her last day in the hospital. Kara's oncologist says that the chemotherapy that Kara is receiving is the hardest of all regimens to tolerate. It is good that she is able to tolerate the strongest drugs because they will best combat the cancer. But it also means that she has to endure the most severe side effects.

When she came home, she was welcomed by her family and by a stack of cards that well-wishers had sent her. After getting hugs from Emma and Luke, she had to go back to her room to rest, and took the cards with her to read and be comforted by all of the love and encouragement they give her.

We have found some helpful guidelines on nutrition in these first days after chemo, so hopefully by following them, and starting out on simple things like Jello, Kara won't suffer from such severe nausea as last time, and won't run the risk of getting dehydrated. Since Kara already has been running low potassium levels, it is very important she not experience further complications because of nausea-induced dehydration.

- Thank you God, as Mother's Day approaches, for bringing Kara home to be with her children, and for giving us the confidence and faith in you that you are healing her.
- Thank you God for seeing Kara through this latest round of chemotherapy -- that her veins in her IV hand are still strong, that she did not have any infections nor reactions to the drugs, and that she was able to rest comfortably.

"O God, you will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are fixed on you;
for in returning and rest we shall be saved;
in quietness and trust shall be our strength."
- Isaiah 26:3; 30:15

Prayer Requests
- Please pray that the side effects from this round of treatment be minimal and manageable.
- Please pray that Kara feels the comfort and reassurance of God's sustaining love and peace.
- Please pray that the treatment eradicates the cancer from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you for all of the love, concern, prayers, and words of encouragement shared here and through the cards you send. It means so much to Kara to know all of you are praying for her, and that she has so many people that care for her.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Coming Home

Just a quick update to let you know that Kara will be coming home tonight. Before she is released she will receive boosts through her IV to replenish her low potassium and magnesium levels.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for the reduction and management of side effects following this round of chemotherapy, and for the prevention of any infections.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently. Thank you so very much.

Thank you.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Chemo Update

In previous rounds of chemotherapy, Kara had been having problems with an allergic reaction to one of her chemotherapy drugs, Etoposide. Her doctor thought it may be that she is allergic to the carrier (what the drug is dissolved in), rather than the actual drug itself. Last night he gave her Etopophos instead, which is considered a "prodrug" of Etoposide. A prodrug is one that converts to the active drug once inside the body -- Etopophos rapidly converts into Etoposide when it hits the blood plasma. The advantages to a prodrug like Etopophos are that:
1) it is more water-soluble than the active drug, so rather than having to have the drug diluted in a lot of liquid (as required to administer Etoposide), Etopophos can be given in a small amount of liquid, in a shorter amount of time (Kara was having to get the Etoposide over five hours rather than the recommended two hours); and
2) there is no carrier required to dissolve Etopophos, so there should be no allergic reaction.

The administration of the Etopophos went very well, and Kara slept through it and has not had any complications or reactions yet. So far her veins have been holding out well, too.

Kara has enjoyed being able to visit with Emma and Luke over the computers. Emma is warming up to it and seems to get a kick out of checking in on Mommy. Luke got up this morning and pointed to the computer and said "Mama." We're glad it is working out so well!

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for health and comfort for Kara during this her fourth round of chemotherapy -- that her veins stay strong, her blood count stays where it should be, and that she avoids any infections or allergic reactions.
- Please pray for the reduction and management of side effects following this round of chemotherapy.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you so very much.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Fourth Round of Chemotherapy

Kara begins her next round of chemotherapy today. This day is usually spent getting checked in, having her IV started, and receiving IV fluids to hydrate her before they administer chemo drugs. Her oncologist will come by and check on her in the evening before getting things started. So for the first and second days she is in the hospital, she feels pretty good. The third (and possibly fourth) days, though, are rough for her.

As an early Mother's Day gift, Kara received a set of webcams so that she can videochat with the kids at home while she is in the hospital. They've tested the system out, and it seems to be working great, so hopefully it will work when she needs of a cheerful break from the boredom of the hospital room.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for health and comfort for Kara during this her fourth round of chemotherapy -- that her veins stay strong, her blood count stays where it should be, and that she avoids any infections.
- Please pray for the reduction and management of side effects following this round of chemotherapy.
- Please pray for peace and good spirits for Kara during this difficult time.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you for staying involved in Kara's life during this most difficult time -- your prayers, encouraging words, and innumerable other kindnesses sustain her.