Monday, March 14, 2005

This Week

It was a beautiful spring weekend in Houston, and the lovely weather was enjoyed by all! Kara continues to feel better, save for a little fatigue, and Matt has returned to work. She has been getting back into the swing of things with Emma and Luke -- school, playtime, church, and little outings. Some days Emma goes with Kara for radiotherapy. They're planning a trip to the Children's Museum this week, too.

While most of the side effects of the chemotherapy have diminished, Kara has begun to lose her hair. With the combination of the chemotherapy and the radiation to her head, it was pretty much a given that hair loss would occur. She and Emma have had some talks about Mommy losing her hair, and Emma seems to understand.

Kara goes back in for chemotherapy on Monday.

Kara, Emma, and Luke 3/13
Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.

- Thank you God for seeing Kara through her treatment.

- Thank you God for being an ever-present refuge for all those touched by illness -- Kara, her family and friends, and all the others who find themselves fighting cancer or other affliction.

- Thank you God for all of the support, prayers, and love that has been given to Kara.

- Thank you God, as Easter approaches, for the gift of Your son, Jesus Christ, who teaches us that all things are possible through Him, who strengthens us.

Psalm 91: 14-16
"Because he loves me," says the LORD , "I will rescue him;
I will protect him who acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."

Kara and Luke 3/13
Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.

- Please pray that Kara remains healthy this week so that she will be strong and ready when she resumes chemotherapy on Monday. (Last time she had a cold working on her, and it made the recovery from the chemo harder.)

- Please pray for continued optimism, faith, and good spirits for Kara through this trying time.

- Please pray that the treatments are successful in eradicating the cancer, permanently.

- And please include in your prayers a prayer for healing for 4-year-old Paul Saxon, whose neuroblastoma tumors have returned.

THANK YOU so very much for your continuing concern and prayers for Kara. It has been truly remarkable how the flow of cards, notes, calls, comments on this blog, and other remembrances have not slowed, and it is a testament to how fortunate Kara and her family are to have such wonderful friends -- and indeed, what wonderful friends their friends have!


Anonymous said...

Kara and Matt, Love and hugs to you both. We have a great circle of folks in New Braunfels and North Texas praying for you and your family. You are both a wonderful testatment to what we should all be!
We are all pulling for you and your wonderful family. Please know that the prayers are often and many. Love, Gem Evans and Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara!
I'm so glad you got to enjoy the lovely weather. It was pretty here too. The pictures of your girls day out were precious! Emma is so beautiful, and I love getting to see you at least in pictures. When I first found out about your illness, I wondered how God could do that to such kind people who set such an example for the rest of us. When I saw what you have to say to others, I thought "who better". I know that He has a plan for everything, and that prayer works. Everyone here at work sends their love and prayers, and you know my whole family does too! Give those babies a hug for me.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, What wonderful thoughts about Easter as times for new beginnings and new life which we have faith that the radiation and the chemo will offer.

Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures of you, Emma and Luke. It looks like we may have another medical person in Emma if she is already interested in going with you to the treatments. We wish we could be there with you. Thanks to Jean and John for the blogspot. Stay well as you finish the radiation this week and become more strengthened each day for the up coming round #2 of chemo. Our prayers continue.
Love and Hugs, Aunt Betsy

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara,

I just heard about your illness last week and had trouble logging on to the site. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be.

With strong, positive thoughts,
Kimberly Swan

Anonymous said...

Great photos of Kara and the kids! Thanks Jean. Just want to wish you all the best. I'm glad you got to enjoy the weekend.
