Saturday, August 25, 2007

Recovering at Home

Kara was able to come home on Thursday afternoon, and has been improving daily since her release from the hospital. Her speech is improving, and she is able to eat more, with fewer bouts of nausea. The vertigo also seems to have lessened. She continues to have impairments with the right side of her body, and is very weak on that side, which makes getting around very difficult.

Kara will continue the whole-brain radiation next week and into the following week. She began her new chemotherapy today, which is in the form of a pill, which she will take once a day for twenty-eight days.

Kara has been immensely helped by visits from her prayer group from church, and from many kind friends. She knows that God can work miracles -- all things are possible with God, and all things are possible through Christ. She has asked God to heal her, and believes that he is healing her, and working a miracle in her. We ask that you agree with us in our prayers for Kara's healing. We ask that God will answer our prayers. We know that God can restore Kara to health, and we are thankful for that hope and assurance that He gives us.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara continues to recover from the effects of the stroke, and regains her strength.
- Please pray for confidence, peace, and comfort for Kara, as she awaits healing.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from her body, permanently.

Kara has gotten great strength and comfort from a short book called "Healed of Cancer" by Dodie Osteen, mother of Joel Osteen, who was miraculously cured of cancer that had metastisized to her liver. In it, Ms. Osteen recommends numerous helpful and reassuring scriptures, as well as the following prayer, which we have prayed with Kara, and which has given Kara confidence in her faith that God can, and will, heal her:

"O God, our Father, Your Word says that You are a very present help in time of need. We come to you now on behalf of Kara who is suffering with cancer. Father, we ask You, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to touch and heal Kara.

Distance is no problem for You, God. As we pray, You are there with Kara, even as close as the very breath that she breathes. So we are asking You to touch her body and heal her.

Now, you foul disease called cancer, we speak to You. Go from Kara's body in the Name of Jesus! We command you, cancerous cells, to wither and die at the roots in the Name of Jesus! Devil, we bind your power in Kara's life, and we permit healing to come to her in the Name of Jesus!

Father, we ask You to replace with new cells those that have been damaged by cancer. God, You can do that, because what is impossible with man is possible with You. You are a God who cares, and we believe You will do it just because we have asked. You love us that much.

Father, may strength and wholeness come into Kara's body this very day, and stay with her day by day. Thank You, Lord, for doing it.

We thank You, Jesus, that we will hear good reports from people like Kara, people who have been healed because they held fast to their confession fo faith without wavering, because You are faithful who promised. Thank you, Father, in Jesus' name,


Kara would like all of you, her friends, to know that she believes that God is healing her, and she wants you to share her hope, faith, and confidence. Kara has a river of life flowing in her, and she will not let fear and doubt overcome her. All glory, praise, and thanks to God!

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Dear Kara,

I am happy to hear that you are recovering well at home. We are praying for you all the time and know that your health will be completely restored soon. :) I will print out your prayer and carry it with me, so we can join you in its request. God bless you!


Jer and Sal said...

You go Girl!!! Always good to hear that your faith is unwaivering. I'm going to copy and paste your prayer to my whole address book and you and others we know with cancer are alway on our prayer cards at church. I personally think God will heal you and prove to the non-believers that he does exist. Much Love, Sal

Anonymous said...

We are praying for your healing. So glad to hear symptoms are subsiding and you are feeling some better. Get that appetite back and we'll send you a PA Hoagie or cheesesteak...just say when you're hungry for one and we'll send it! All our love, your PA family.

Anonymous said...

Kara--You are amazing!!! I am so impressed with your faith. I too am a fan of Dodi Olsteen's book. It confirms that all God has to do is touch you and you will be healed. The god of the bible is the God we worship today and he is still in the healing business. Keep the faith you are in my prayers daily!!!

Love, Claire

Anonymous said...

We agree with you in prayer and give all glory, praise, and thanks to God for your complete healing!

To God be the Glory in Christ Jesus!

We love you,
Aunt Karen and Uncle Don

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, How wonderful to hear your voice last night and to know that your appetite is returning and that you have had a good time at home this week-end. You are in my prayers day and night for your miracle and total healing, for the stroke residual to diasppear soon, for the radiation and new chemo to complete the cycle of return to good health. Your prayer as always is a treasure and says it all. Please rest and be at peace as the healing goes on. Love, Aunt Betsy