Monday, August 20, 2007

PET Scan Results

The PET Scan shows that the old tumors in Kara's body are active again -- in the lung, liver, and brain. The priority will be to get her on a new chemotherapy drug to try to get the tumors inactive. Dr. Tay believes that he will be able to perform Novalis on some of the brain tumors, notably the one that may be causing her nausea.

Kara has not had further seizure activity today.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara's doctors can formulate a promising treatment plan, quickly.
- Please pray for the effects of the stroke to resolve.
- Please pray for comfort and peace for Kara as she awaits the next phase of treatment.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Dear Kara and family,

I am so sorry that you had such a horrible evening last night. We are glad to hear that they think the effects of the stroke will be gone in 24 hours, that is reassuring. We will be praying for speedy recoveries and quick treatments for the next phase of this battle. We pray for you everday and know that God is holding all of you close right now.

We love you,
Leslie and Brad

Anonymous said...

i am praying for you, kara, and for your family as well. God bless you; i know He does.