Friday, September 02, 2005

This Weekend

Kara continued to improve and feel stronger this week until she came down with a bug. She was running a fever, so she had to go in and have her blood tested to make sure her PIC line (the permanent shunt in her arm that allows her to get medicine and fluids through the IV) isn't infected. A lot of times those lines can get infected and have to be removed. We hope that's not the case, b/c it's been very helpful for Kara to have it.

Matt's sister, Katie, has come to Houston to spend time with the family and help out, and Mom and Dad have headed back to Joplin to enjoy the cooler weather and start packing up the house.

Kara and the family were planning on coming to Austin on Sunday for our cousin Laura's son David's second birthday party. She hopes to be feeling good enough to go ahead with that plan, but we're not sure now. It will be a nice outing for the family, and I know Kara is looking forward to the change in scenery.

Kara has a meeting with her oncologist this coming week.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara gets feeling better soon, and that her PIC line isn't infected.
- Please pray that Kara's neuropathy improves.
- Please pray that she gets a good report from her oncologist.
- Please pray that the cancer be permanently eradicated from her body.

Thank you for continuing to keep Kara in your thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Dear Kara,

I'm so sorry to hear that you have a cold now on top of everything else. I hope you are feeling better soon and that you can still go to the birthday party. :) Take care and God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, Hope you are taking care of you and resting and resting to help the fever and cold disappear. It's not surprising that you would be next since Luke and your mom and dad have all shared the bug recently. I'm so glad you've seen your physician re. the possibility of PICC line problems and hope you won't have to have that changed out anytime soon. I really enjoyed visiting with your folks this week and know how guarded they were about leaving you and the children, but also know they know that you and Matt need time for the family. It's hard to believe that David celebrates BD # 2 already, and I'm sure he's a total joy for his parents and Grandmother Lois especially. Have a wonderful time in Austin if you're well enough to travel and participate in person; otherwise I know you'll celebrate remotely if necessary in special ways with all the family. You continue in my prayers and thoughts and hope this little step backward is just that and that your healthy body and spirit will soon have this infection on the run! Much love, Aunt Betsy

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are cutting Luke's hair again. I want him to have long lucious curls like Emma!
xoxo The Thomases

Anonymous said...

Aloha! Kara, you have been through so much. I have just gone back to February and re read some of the postings. You have come so far...we have come so far. You are truly blessed. We will continue to pray for you continued and improved good health. I have saved Emma's message on my voice mail and listen to her sweet giggle every day. We love you, Gamma and Gampa