Tuesday, August 30, 2005

First Day of School

Emma and Luke had their first day of school yesterday at Bellaire United Methodist's School for Little Children , and both seemed to enjoy their classes. We'll try to post pictures as soon as we can get them uploaded (probably after this weekend).

Kara continues to improve after her sugery. She is really struggling with the nerve damage in her hands and feet, which makes walking very difficult (she is very unsteady on her feet), and makes it hard for her to use her hands to dial the phone, type, write, even use silverware. The neuropathy is a side effect of the chemotherapy, and most of it will hopefully go away after she's done with the chemo.

Kara meets with her oncologist next week for a check-up and to schedule more rounds of chemo. I'm not sure if she'll be having more tests around that time or not.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara's neuropathy improves.
- Please pray that she gets a good report from her oncologist.
- Please pray that the cancer be permanently eradicated from her body.

Thank you for your prayers and words of love and encouragement for Kara. She feels comforted by knowing so many include her in their prayers, and she looks forward to getting the mail and seeing what notes and cards people have sent.


Anonymous said...

Kara, we are so happy that you are at least feeling well enough to enjoy the first days of school with Emma and Luke. We will continue to pray for your strength to return and all other annoying symptoms to subside. We love you and admire your strength and courage through all you have faced.

Anonymous said...

Kara, The first day of school and you are participating and the children know you are there and involved. What a wonderful accomplishment! What an incredible feat that you are already to a point in your recovery that a new school term is part of your world. Wow...! Joy comes in many forms and packages doesn't it?
Now as the children are involved in their classes - you can continue on your very successful path to recovery. You will gain more strength and endurance as you eliminate the aggravating symptoms. Time will bring more and more courage and success!!
We are all pulling for you - but most importantly - we are all praying for you - everyday - all the time - you have us and our unbroken prayer chain - thinking of you and what a wonderful inspiration you are for all to behold. Love, Gem

Dee said...

I am so thankful Jesus gives you strength, the abilities to care for Emma and Luke, getting them ready and in school. Please know you are not alone in your struggles. Arthritis can have the same effect on a body.
I was strengthened as I read Acts 9 telling of Saul's conversion. Especially verse 16:
For I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake.
In Genesis 1:27, So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.
I am reminded that God made me so He and I could have a personal relationship. He loves me so much, He wants to walk and talk with ME!
If God Be For Me, Who Can Be Against Me? Romans 8:31

Anonymous said...

Hello, Kara!
I used to look forward to the first day of school so much; how fun that you got to help Emma and Luke enjoy it too! :) I hope that your neuropathy is not too frustrating; I know you are ready to put all of these side effects behind you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers--I pray that God will send you comfort and peace as you prepare for the last 2 rounds of chemo.

Anonymous said...

Kara and Matt,

So glad to hear about all the wonderful news. So glad that the first day of school went well for all. It will be good for you too, Kara and for your family, to have a break to relax a little while the kids are enjoying their new friends and experiences.

Super excited that the results of your surgery were excellent--no spreading of the cancer. Amen!!

Happy bday to you Matt. May God continue to bless you during these trying times too.

Bailey and Grant send their love to all!


Gina said...

Dear Kara,

We're so glad that you are recovering from the surgery and are getting your strength back. You'll need it as the kids start back to school and share all of their experiences with you!

We are praying that your symptoms will subside, so that you can start to do everyday activities again. In the midst of frustrating times, we pray for peace and joy in your spirit. The Lord is with you, always.

We love you,
Gina and Curby

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, The first day of school! Just imagine what fun Emma and Luke had with their classmates and teachers and all the new and exciting activities! Best of all of course is that their mom took them and reassured them and came and got them to hear all about their wonderful time! Kara, you continue in our thoughts and prayers for your full recovery and regaining of your strength and for the peripheral neuropathies to subside in these next few weeks. You are so very special and so faithful in your wonderful witness and testimony to God's mercy and all healing powers. Please remember how very much we love you and Matt and the children and know that the miracles never cease happening. Love you, Aunt Betsy

Anonymous said...

While we're going to miss Katie here in Topeka, we know she will be able to help so much while she is with you in Houston. I'm glad to hear you were feeling better and could enjoy the start of school - and hope you will continue to get stronger soon.

Kathy and Becky
Topeka, KS

Anonymous said...

Aloha! We will pray that your neurophy is a temporary thing. Jenny spent the morning making tools for you, and I will put them in the mail today. Watching her at work made me understand more what an occupational therapist does. The kids left yesterday, so we are back to having our paradise all to ourselves. I carry Emma's message on my voice mail and listen to it daily. Give the babies hugs and kisses for us.
Love, gamma and gampa