Thursday, August 04, 2005

PET Results

Kara got good news from her PET scan -- there are no signs of cancer activity outside the primary site. Dad was going to call Dr. Kaplan, her gynecological oncologist, tonight to see how quickly they can get Kara's hysterectomy scheduled. Since the cervix is the only area that shows active cancer at this time, everyone is eager to get that removed. Kara meets with Dr. Lynch, her main oncologist, Tuesday night to determine whether she will have follow-up chemo after she has recovered from her hysterectomy.

Kara will probably be in the hospital for 3-5 days recovering from the hysterectomy, and her further recovery time at home will be 4-6 weeks.

- Thank you God for more good news from Kara's tests.
- Thank you God for providing Kara with encouraging and knowledgeable doctors.
- Thank you God for surrounding Kara with loving family, friends, and church family.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for peace and comfort for Kara.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you for continuing to keep Kara in your thoughts and prayers, and for sending her your words of love and encouragement.


Anonymous said...

I actually don't know any of you, but I feel as if I know the entire family. My sister in law, Nicole Boarnet, who I don't even know if Kara knows, was part of one of the mom's groups in Texas that Kara is involved with and she forwarded to our whole family one of the prayer requests quite awhile ago. I went to the blogger website and initially read all of the entries and have kept up to date. Your story and family touched me so and I have been praying for you along with the rest of you. I was anxiously awaiting the PET scan results and am so glad to hear that the results were positive and have been keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We are actually Jewish, so you have other faiths involved in your prayers! I have a good friend battling lung cancer right now and I have shared your website with her and she is finding it encouraging. My name is Barbara Boarnet and my husband, three children (ages 9 and 7 year old twins) live in Irvine California. Good luck to you with the upcoming surgery and we will pray for a full recovery.

Anonymous said...

I think the score's gonna be:
Kara: 1,000,000,000,000,000
Cancer: Zilch!

I'm so happy for you. I had a hysterectomy, you know. It wasn't so bad. Especially compared to what you've been through lately.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lord for answering our prayers!
To all of Kara's support group, thank you so much for all that you do for the whole family. We have seen love at work. We are going to be gone for 3 months, and I know that your support will be right there, getting and giving blessings. My prayer is that the early morning person who is there to get Luke and Emma up and guard then as they send Matt off to work will be given extra strength. God has kept us grandparents young and healthy for a reason. Hang in there Doc and Mimi and Aunt Lois.
Kara, I pray you find comfort in knowing that you are in God's hands. We can see Him in the faces of all the people who surround you every day.
Love, Gamma and Gampa.

Anonymous said...

What good news from the PET scan! We thank the Lord for His healing hand on you. We trust the surgery will be at just the right time and that He will carry you safely through.
We love you,
Aunt Karen and Uncle Don

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, What great news from the PET scan report! Now for the surgery ASAP! Thanks to our Lord for His wonderful healing grace and His merciful goodness and watchcare over our beloved Kara and her dear dear family. Please rest and eat well and rest and eat well and do a few fun activities with our precious Luke and Emma and be in the best most positive shape for the surgery hopefully soon! Love to all and special prayers continue for all each day, Aunt Betsy

Anonymous said...


Mike and I are friends of Jim and Diane and we have been closely following your progress, and it is wonderful progress that you have made, especially knowing the results of the recent PET scan. We send prayers for a quick recovery following your surgery next week and know that you will be well soon! With loving encouragement, Sharon Peters

Dee said...

Kara, precious child of God as your Granny would say. Jesus wanted me to remind you of the time he wrestled with Jacob until the breaking of day (Genesis 32:24-30). He wants you to focus on the verse:
And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel (the face of God). For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
We stand up;
Bless the Lord
Your God for ever;
Blessed be Your glorious name,
Exalted above all
Blessing and Praise!

Anonymous said...

From Topeka - we are so pleased to hear of the recent test results and how well you are doing. We follow the blog regularly, as well as receiving regular updates from Jim and Diane. It's is wonderful to hear of the love and support you and your family are receiving from so many. We will be praying that your upcoming surgery will be the next step in ridding you of this cancer.

Kathy and Becky Mackintosh

Anonymous said...

Kara, we are so happy to hear of your test results and know that although you still face surgery that you are winning this battle. You are facing this with such courage and dignity and are a wonderful example to all of us. We love you and are praying for you to finish all these treatments/procedures and return to full health. Rely on the Lord and he will see you through. We are also praying for strength for your family as they continue to help you and Matt through this challenging time.

Gina said...


The PET scan results are so encouraging! We are ever thankful to the Lord, rejoicing in His provision and trusting that He will continue to guide your health care team. We also pray that He continues to comfort you and bring you lasting joy and strength for the road ahead.

We love you,
Gina and Curby