Monday, October 10, 2005

Back Home

Kara came home from her seventh round of chemo on Saturday evening. On Sunday, she and the family went to the Pumpkin Patch festivities at a park in Bellaire. So far, Kara has been feeling pretty good, and not as sick as she had after the previous chemo treatments. She is sticking to drinking Boost, though, to prevent setting off any nausea. We hope that the side effects do not worsen over the next few days.

- Thank you God for seeing Kara through another round of chemotherapy without any complications.
- Thank you God that Kara is doing so well following this last round of chemo.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that the side effects remain minimal.
- Please pray for improvement of Kara's neuropathy.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you at Sunday school yesterday! I'm glad you were able to be there and that you could enjoy the games at the park yesterday afternoon as well. :) Take care! We will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kara Sweety! Just letting you know I'm thinking of you. Glad to hear no complicationss this weekend. We all Cox's love you! Carrie

Dee said...

Girl, YOU and YOUR TEAM are amazing! I never heard of anyone having 7 Chemo Treatments plus all the other surgeries; treatments you've had and bouncing back to go to church on Sunday....... Surely Jesus' Hand is on you - PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! I am so thankful, so relieved. Thank you Lord I can breath again.
I will PRAISE JESUS! For Kara is fearfully - wonderfully - made! Marvelous are Your works Jesus! My soul knows this well.
Psalms 139:14

Anonymous said...

Kara, It sure was fun spending time with you guys Sunday afternoon at the park. Amy really enjoyed the time she spent with Emma. Continuing to keep you in our prayers like always. Love you lots.

Anonymous said...

Kara, I saw an fellow high school student the other day and while we were getting reacquinted, he described his wife surviving a malignant tumor condition in 1998. He reported they were so overjoyed with the power of prayer and the incredible healing power of their spiritual devotions.

You provide our inspiration and encourage all of us to acknowledge our wondrous Lord's healing.

We are so grateful that your current treatments are going so very well and pray that all continues positively. Love, Gem

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, How wonderful to know that you felt well enough to attend church Sunday and go to the park to enjoy games with the children and their friends! Hopefully this trend is continuing and the Boost and other tasty bites are strengthening you more each day. It is such a joy to hear that you are getting some energy and staying active and involved as I know you desperately intend to be. What an inspiration and how good to know that you are able to take over some of the parenting activities that you have of necessity had to miss out on these last months. You are so uppermost in my thoughts and prayers this week as are your mom and dad as they continue to do so many things for you and Luke and Emma on a moment to moment and day to day basis to give you the peace of mind and soul that help the chemo and radiation be so effective in your healing and complete cure. Much love, Aunt Betsy

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased to learn that you are doing well. Harry and I remember you in prayer. I pray the moment I read the praises and prayer request. Kara, may you continue your road to full recovery. In Christ, Rose

Anonymous said...

Kara, so glad to hear the good news that you are doing better than usual following this round of chemo. We're praying that you'll continue to improve daily. We praise God for your faith, your wonderfully supportive family, your outstanding medical care, and the amazing outpouring of love and support from so many. All of this is evidence of the Lord's merciful love and care. Give your folks our love.
Love The Sullivans

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, How wonderful to have beautiful pictures of Emma and Luke-each one eliciting a smile or a fun laugh! I'm so grateful to John, Jr. for sharing them all with us. Get rested and well nourished so we can see some more great shots hopefully with mom and dad and Doc and Mimi and Aunt Jean and Uncle John and all the puppies too. Thinking of you and remembering you in prayers, knowing that wonderful healing has been and continues to occur daily. Much love, Aunt Betsy

Dee said...

Abba, in Your Son's precious name - JESUS - we "THANK YOU" that "WITH HIS STRIPES" Kara is healed; totally restored from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet.

The Prayer of Faith will save the sick; JESUS raised Kara up.
Pray one for another so you will be healed.
The Powerful, Constant Prayer of a righeous man is heard.
Elijah, being human - yet when he prayed earnestly for no rain to fall - NONE fell for the next three and one half years!
Then he prayed again, this time that it would rain; down it poured.
The grass was green again; gardens began to grow again.
James 5:15-18

Glory to JESUS!