Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Emma looking cool

Originally uploaded by keljoh.
At the farm after a swim. The temperature was in the low 100's at the end of September. Fortunately it has cooled off since then.

1 comment:

Dee said...

This reminds me of when "The Kelly's" use to come to Denison for a visit. Granddad Warner always kept us busy! We'd go to Waterloo Lake where I fell in! We played baseball; I got hit in the nose with the ball - sitting behind the batter - smart, huh?!? I think they dubbed me "Cry Baby"! I don't know why my Cuz Karen didn't impart her wisdom to me! She never got touched...
THE BEST was when they got a boat; we all learned to ski! Yep! It was fun, fun, fun. Great Granny Scoggin and Granny Neta stayed at home so when we got back we were stuffed with THE BEST SOUTHERN food on earth! Then there was nap time on Great Granny's front porch. Oh, what a bit of Heaven we had - those were the days.