Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Kara's fever seems to have broken, and she feels better. She is receiving a blood transfusion to try to elevate her white blood cell count to help her fight the infection. The lab tests show that it is a bacterial infection, and she's being given some drugs to treat that. She will probably stay in the hospital till Thursday, and then have a few days or a week of home health care. Her immune system is really weakened by the chemo, and this is a difficult time of year not to pick up some bug or cold.

Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement.


Anonymous said...

Kara, We are so encouraged by your progress. Please allow the home health care folks to be there for you. We know they can make a wonderful difference for you!
Thank you for the wonderful blog spot news -it is so helpful to your prayer chain out there.
Each moment at least one of us is praying for you and thinking of you and hoping for your full recovery soon. Love, Gem

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, What a wonderful birthday for Emma to have her mom getting much needed medical attention and ongoing care in order to be able to celebrate many many more special birthdays and Halloween festivities! Kara, you continue to be uppermost in our thoughts and prayers as you get your transfusions and antibiotics to get past this setback. Thank goodness you are in the hospital for your rest and medications and I-V fluids. The chemo has to be doing its work on the tumors if it's working so on the healthy tissues, and we pray that it'll eradicate any and all chances for recurrence. You are so precious and dear to all of us and how we wish we could take away all of the downside of the treatment . Your health is of paramount importance and your response to your treatments depends so much on your own ability to stay well and free of infection and negative anything. Nobody knows this better than YOU and nobody could possibly hope to do all the wonderful things that you do daily for the children and the family when you get even a little energy surge. Rest and rest and rest knowing that His healing powers are flooding your body with strength and health. You are so essential to Emma and Luke-their wonderful delightful adoring and caring Mom. Love to all, Aunt Betsy

Gina said...

Dear Kara,

We know how much planning you've done for Emma's birthday, so we're sorry that you are in the hospital on this special day but grateful that you are receiving treatment and are starting to feel a little better.

We are praying for a speedy recovery, so that you can return home soon.

We love you,
Gina and Curby

Dee said...


As JESUS and HIS DISCIPLES were eating, JESUS took bread - blessed it - broke it; gave it to the disciples, and said:

"Take, eat; this is my body."

JESUS took the cup, gave thanks; gave it to them, saying:

"Drink ye all of it."

For this is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Matthew 26:26-28

When we ask the Lord's Blessings upon our drinking from the cup of wine at the Lord's Table, this means that all who drink it are sharing together THE BLESSINGS of Christ's blood. When we break off pieces of the bread from the loaf to eat there together, this shows that we are sharing together in the benefits of His body.
1Corinthians 10:16

Whatever you do
Do all to the Glory of God.

Anonymous said...


We are sorry to hear that you are having to spend some time in the hospital but trust that the proper meds and hydration are being given to you so you can be home this weekend for a special celebration of Emma's birthday. We love you all and continue to trust you in the Lord's hands,
Aunt Karen and Uncle Don