Saturday, July 09, 2005

Fourth of July

Kara and her family went to the farm last weekend for the holiday. On Sunday, Aunt Lois, Laura, Miki, and David came over to join us to celebrate the Fourth a bit early. Emma got a new slip-and-slide, and she and the boys warmed up to it pretty quickly -- Emma would run and jump on her own, and the boys' daddies would "bowl" them down the slide. The grown-ups enjoyed watching them, with their feet stuck in the baby pool trying to stay cool! It cooled down enough in the evening so that it was a nice evening for the fireworks display in Smithville.

Kara and I had fun running little errands in town when Kara felt up to it. Kara is still pretty weak and worn out by what she's been through. She receives IV fluids every day to try to keep herself hydrated, to try to prevent kidney problems. The hot weather is doubly hard on her -- the heat is draining, and she can't afford to get dehydrated by sweating. The treatment has left her with some hearing problems, as well as the continued nausea and fatigue.

We are so thrilled to have received more great tests results, and will keep you posted on the schedule of what's to come as we know more.

- Thank you God for healing Kara, for giving us signs that the treatment is working, for giving us hope.
- Thank you God for Kara's completion of brain surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy with no major complications.
- Thank you God for the love and comfort that Kara's family and friends provide her.

Prayer Requests
- Please pray for increased strength for Kara before her surgery, and that her side-effects from chemotherapy diminish.
- Please pray for comfort and peace for Kara as she faces two major surgeries in the coming months.
- Please pray that that cancer is eradicated from her body, permanently.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a terrific 4th was had by all! Wonderful pics of the kids! Kara, I am so glad you are getting such great news! I look forward to seeing you Friday!


Anonymous said...

Kara, The pictures of everyone look so happy! You have an expert photographer - Yes?!
Hearing your voice a few days ago gave me the BOOST OF THE YEAR. What a gift ... to be able to speak with you.
My Mom and your Aunt Betsy are so full of positive stories about their recent visit with you and yours. We all love and respect you, Gem

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara,
What a night this will be! I know your appointment with the docs is tonight, so we will hold our breath all day, and pray that you will be able to have your surgery, as gruesome as that sounds...If it's a go, than we know the doc is confident you can lick this thing. It must feel awful to be so out of control of your life, and have so many factors and people dictating to you...but remember, God has put into your path all the people necessary to make this work.
We love you, gamma and gampa