Thursday, June 16, 2005

Home Tonight

Kara should be coming home later tonight. Her IV will be removed around 8:30, and then she should be able to come home.

- Thank you God for providing Kara with excellent, attentive, and caring health care providers who have helped her through this difficult experience.
- Thank you God for seeing Kara through this last round of chemotherapy with no significant problems.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that the side effects will be minimal following this round.
- Please pray that the cancer is eradicated from her body, permanently.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Praise God for seeing you through this final round without any more complications. You have done so well staying on schedule for your treatments. I know you feel poorly now, but I know your body will start to heal and get stronger every day now. We are so proud of you for toughing out these treatments. May God be with you as you continue to heal. May his strength and peace bring your comfort as your body begins to get stronger. We love you.

Anonymous said...

We are grateful to hear that all finally fell into place for this round of therapy and we praise God for keeping you during this chemotherapy treatment. He is in control and is in charge of your healing. We trust you will recuperate quickly at home and rest in the peace that the Lord will provide.
We continue to pray for you and trust you in the Lord's hands.
Aunt Karen and Uncle Don

Anonymous said...

Congrats, you did it! Hope you do not feel yucky for too long. We are thinking of you and hope that you continue to do well. LiveStrong, Sally