Monday, June 06, 2005

Feeling Stronger

We are pleased that Kara has rebounded more quickly after the latest round of chemotherapy than she had after the previous one. By using her wheelchair, she is able to do more than if she had to stand for long periods or walk long distances on her own -- she was able to make a run to Target Saturday morning (always a fun outing!), and on Sunday go to church, and attend a church party in the evening, and see so many members of her supportive church family. She still tires easily, but is not constantly fatigued as she has been previously. Fortunately her nausea also seems to be under control, and she has a few foods that "sound good" to her and she eats small amounts of them when she can.

Kara had some bloodwork done today, and she's running anemic. She'll get two units of blood tomorrow to get her back into shape before her next round of chemotherapy starts. This will probably take about four hours.

Emma began Vacation Bible School this week, and will start dance classes on Wednesday. Luke continues with his swim lessons.

- Thank you God for the improvement in Kara's side effects, and that she can enjoy her "good week" before her next round of chemotherapy.
- Thank you God for good tests results that show the treatment is working.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for continued increased strength and good health for Kara this week.
- Please pray that the cancer is eradicated from her body, permanently.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Kara and to share with her your love, concern, and encouragement.


Anonymous said...

That's great news, Kara! So glad that you had a good weekend and were able to get out and see friends. Enjoy the week and we hope you are stronger each day. Hugs, Jan and Fred

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear that you are doing better and they seem to have found a good combination to keep you going right now. You are truly an inspiration. Even though you are not feeling well you keep going and participating in life. We will continue to lift you up in prayer. I hope you enjoy your "well week" to its fullest.
Love, Janice and family

Anonymous said...


It was great to see you in church Sunday -- not once, but twice! I saw Jack & Emma running off toward the big water slide Sunday evening -- what fun! I hope you know what an encouragement it is to me to see you there as often as you've been able to attend. I pray that your strength & your appetite continue to improve each & every day & praise God for the wonderful things He's doing in your life. Love, Kim F.

Anonymous said...

Kara, From your fans in New Braunfels - we are so encouraged about your delightful weekend. How wonderful you were were able to do some pleasant outings!
We continue to pray and believe in His power and mercy. Love, Gem

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara!
I thought I'd stop in to check on your progress again and was thrilled to see that you're having a better week. Mom, Dad, and the boys always want to know how you're doing, so I'll pass the good news along. I was really sorry to hear about Kallie. I know how special she was to you. She couldn't have had a better owner/friend than you either.
It's funny how things go. Colt just started working at Parkview for the summer. It's strange when I remind him that he used to go there as a baby, or that you all had baby showers for me.
I could "visit" with you all day, but I had better get back to work. I just wanted you to know that we love you, miss you, and are praying for you daily.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures! I love Luke's new haircut and Emma is quite the ballerina!! Very impressive! So glad that you are feeling stronger! Go get 'em!

Megan, Eric, Bailey and Grant