Monday, December 05, 2005


Kara's oncologist was very pleased with the test results when Kara and Matt met with him last week. He plans on speaking to the radiologist to find out more information about the size of the spots on her liver. If they appear to be further shrinking and being reabsorbed, the oncologist will recommend just monitoring them. If the spots are still large and not shrinking, he will probably recommend some further course of treatment to deal with them -- perhaps Novalis on the liver or resecting part of the liver. Hopefully Kara won't have to undergo another major surgery like the liver resection would be. Kara will have another round of scans in 4-8 weeks.

- Thank you God for remaining with Kara throughout this long ordeal.
- Thank you God for the encouraging scan results that give us hope and reassurance.
- Thank you God for providing Kara and her family with such a wonderful support network -- it has truly been a blessing.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara's liver tumors do not require further treatment.
- Please pray that Kara's neuropathy continues to improve, so that she can regain some autonomy and be able take care of Emma and Luke herself.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We are so thankful to God for seeing Kara through this far and hearing all of our prayers. We hope that we continue to receive good news with the next round of tests, and that Kara continues to stay in remission!


Anonymous said...

We are all so grateful for the progress you have made Kara. May you enjoy a blessed Christmas with Matt, Emma and Luke and the rest of your family. Have a wonderful Holiday!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara,

I hope you had a fun weekend--relaxing and celebrating this wonderful news! It was good to see you Wednesday. :) I am glad that you are feeling better and know that you will continue to improve. Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, How good to hear about your wonderful birthday week-end in the country with all the family, animals, new farm equipment which Emma has already mastered! Hopefully the neuropathies are less pronounced each day and your sensation with hands and feet better with each P.T./O.T. session. No doubt you and Matt are well on the way to full home autonomy once again as these residuals resolve. Please take good care of your very special selves and know you continue in our thoughts and prayers more than ever as things return to normal little by little. Much love, Aunt Betsy