Thursday, December 22, 2005

Doctor's Meeting

Kara's oncologist was positive and reassuring about the lung spots, that they are too small to tell what they are. There are a couple of options: wait 4-6 weeks and repeat the PET Scan to see if they've grown and then treat them if needed, or go ahead and treat it with Novalis before it grows. Her oncologist will confer with her other doctors and figure out the best plan.

Kara feels much more upbeat after the meeting, and is looking forward to a very merry Christmas with her family.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for peace and comfort for Kara, that she might be able to enjoy the holidays.
- Please pray that the lung spots turn out not to be cancerous.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Kara and family,
What wonderful news to receive right before Christmas! Thank you Lord for that encouraging report. This is a true reminder that what we really want for Christmas cannot be bought in any store for any price.

I know this will be an especially meaningful Christmas for you and your wonderful family. Give our love to all the Kelly klan.

We love you and continue to pray for your renewed strength and complete healing. Christmas blessings,

Rodney & Mary and family

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara,
We are so very grateful to hear about your reassuring visit with the oncologist. We trust that the Lord is in control and whatever necessary treatment will fall into place.
Meanwhile we do wish you all a Merry Christmas as we thank our heavenly Father for his gracious gift of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Dee said...

The Lord Protects Elisha Miraculously!

And when the servant of the man of God was risen early; going outside - there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere.
Master, what will we do now? the servant cried out to Elisha
Elisha answered:
Fear not.
They who are with us are more
than they who are with them.
Elisha prayed:
Lord, open his eyes so he may see.
The Lord opened the eyes of the young man - he saw - the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
2 Kings 6:15-17

Jesus, fill us with Your Spirit. Open our eyes that we may see.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara,
We send praises and thanks for the progress that you have made. We pray that you have turned the corner. What a year this has been for you! Imagine all the good things you have to look forward to next year. You are truly being held in the palm of His hand.
All our love and prayers for good health, Gamma and Gampa