Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Scans Next Week

Kara will have another set of scans performed next Tuesday. Rather than getting the results the same day or next, we won't know the results until Thursday at the earliest. Please pray for good results -- no new tumors and shrinking of the existing tumors.

The kids have finished up the school year, and Kara has been enjoying having them home with her during the day. They enjoy playing "school," with Emma and Luke taking turns playing the teacher. They have also made several trips to the zoo -- Kara has found that with renting an electric chair, she can get around the zoo without getting too worn out. Emma and Luke have also been spending a lot of time in the pool.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for good results from the scans next week.
- Please pray for peace and comfort for Kara as she awaits the scan results.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you. Your thoughtful and encouraging words, on the blog and in the mail, are so uplifiting to Kara.


Anonymous said...

Kara, I will be thinking of you and praying for good reports. Ronnie and I will be working at the big Texas Artist Craft Show in Kerrville during the holiday weekend.
I would love for you to see some of the lovely work there but the weather can be a negative factor - since the entire event is held outside even if under tents and such.
The zoo trips sound wonderful with the helpful chair. What a great idea!
Please know that I pray for you everyday. You are my inspiration. Hugs, Gem

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, What a wonderful campout at the farm last week-end and no doubt Emma and Luke are ready for the next tent night under the stars with the fireflies and no bears! Hope your energy level is holding since the transfusion and it's amazing what a few power items can do to help conserve your energy reserves for the priorities like fun trips to the zoo. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers for your full return to health and the strength you need to carry on so bravely and magnificently. How wonderful to know that you continue to be such a full-time participant in such fantastic activities with your little ones and with the family. Take good care of your very special self and remember how loved and treasured you are. Aunt Betsy

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kara. We've been out of touch for a while after enjoying a 8-day trip to the DC area to visit our daughter Carrie and of course, our grandsons, Nathan & Joseph. We enjoyed side trips to the beautiful, peaceful Amish farm country near Lancaster, PA, as well as to Harper's Ferry, Jamestown Settlement and Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. The kids joined us for several days. They even squeezed in some time at Busch Gardens-Europe.

One of the first things I do when I return home is to get an update on the blog to see how you are doing. We'll be praying for good scan reports and renewed energy. It sounds like you're already enjoying a special summer with the kids home and all the fun outdoor activities. Give our love to all.

With expectant hearts and continued prayers,
Mary Sullivan

Dee said...

There is a sound of ABUNDANCE
God says --
This is a new era of miracles
Now it is time for the dawning of a new miraculous intervention from My Spirit
The Spirit has already prepared a people with a miraculous element who will stand against, overcome; tear down by our righteousness sickness, diseases; attacks.
New forms of surgery; a speeding up; acceleration in the medical field.
A new creative element has been released to the body of Christ.
This is the dawning of unusual miracles as you have never seen before.
You will do even greater than my servants of old
You are surrounded by a great host of witnesses says The Lord