Monday, February 13, 2006

Octreoscan Today

Kara is repeating the Octreoscan today and tomorrow. She last had this test done in February or March 2005, I believe. I don't remember exactly how it does what it does, but I think it is an ultra-sensitive test for neuroendocrine tumors.

Wednesday she'll go in for an out-patient procedure to put a permanent line in her for future chemo treatments/blood draws. It will be placed in her chest, rather than her arm, and will be completely under the skin, preventing any future infection, and making it less cumbersome and restrictive for her.

Kara continues to feel pretty down about things, and the recurrence of the cancer has her understandably anxious and disappointed. Please continue to pray that she feels God's peace and presence in her life and treatment, and that she regains confidence that she can, and will, be cured.

Kara's church introduced a new Healing Service last night, and many members of Kara's church family joined her in praying for God's healing of her. I am told it was a very beautiful and moving service, and we are very appreciative of the many people who were able to come and support and encourage Kara.

We are very appreciative of everyone who has provided so much support for Kara, Matt, and their families over the past year -- sending encouraging notes and posting supportive comments on the blog, providing meals, cheering Kara up in so many ways, and most importantly praying for Kara and asking others to pray for her. There has been such a tremendous outpouring of love and support, and it is very much appreciated and amazing.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for good, encouraging Octreoscan results, and that the results can help Kara's doctors fine-tune her treatment plan.
- Please pray that Kara's procedure on Wednesday goes smoothly and safely.
- Please pray that Kara tolerates her new chemotherapy regimen well, and that there are no complications.
- Please pray that God gives Kara hope and peace.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Kara, we are praying for your comfort during these next rounds of treatments. I'm so glad you were able to participate in the healing service at your church. Miracles happen through prayer and faith. We are praying for your continued good response to this new round of treatments and that they will do the trick once and for all in winning this battle.

Anonymous said...

Dear, sweet Kara. My heart swelled and the tears came as I looked down from the choir loft last night to see so many come up front to touch you as you were annointed with oil and prayed over. Know this, that when you are feeling discouraged and down, we are lifting you up in prayer. You are not alone. love, Liz

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, What a wonderful service at your church and how grateful I am for it and for your so active participation in such an experience of faith and healing. In Guadalajara yesterday they had services for healing of the sick , and Lupe gave your name and information again to her priests and church friends and she continues to pray daily for you as well. Hopefullly the scan will be negative and the PICC line will go in smoothly and be a real boon to you these next few weeks of treatment. Stay upbeat and positive and know that all is in His all-powerful healing hands. Put all negative thoughts and feelings out of your mind and heart however you can manage to do so and remember that you already are healed and well and this last residual is just that. Have a good week dear Kara with your very busy schedule and try to rest and enjoy Luke and Emma and their precious activities and responses. Much love, Aunt Betsy

Gina said...

Dear Kara,

What a blessing that you were able to be in the healing service last night---that you were anointed with oil as your church family prayed over you and laid hands on you. We're so encouraged by that awesome experience from the Lord. He continues to heal you and hold you in the palm of His hand. May His Spirit fill you completely.

Much Love,
Gina and Curby

Anonymous said...

Our Dear Kara,
We will pray today that this scan will reveal to your doctors the information they need to proceed with your total healing treatment, and that they be given devine wisdom to pick the appropriate drugs. Please Lord, take care of our Kara and deliver her from this evil. Help her to feel Your total presence wrapped around her body, and give her peace of mind and stillness as she goes through today's scan.
We're packing our car, and we will see you next weekend,
Love, Gamma and PaPa