Thursday, January 19, 2006

Luke's Birthday Party

Kara, Matt, and the kids came to the farm for the long weekend to celebrate Luke's birthday with some of his best friends -- the cows. He and Emma have fun being outside from pretty much breakfast 'til dinner, swinging, playing in the dirt pile, traipsing down to the creek and back, and all that good stuff. Cousin David came over from Austin to visit, and they all had a great time.

I will update more tonight, and get the photos up as well.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara's next PET Scan is all clear, showing no active cancer.
- Please pray for peace for Kara as she awaits her next round of tests and their results.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you. It is really amazing that coming up on a year after Kara's diagnosis, so many people continue to visit this blog and take the time to post such encouraging and uplifting comments for Kara. Kara, Matt, and all of the family are truly blessed to have you to lend support through this difficult time.


Anonymous said...

Kara & All, We are all truly blessed to have the blog spot and the marvelous example of Kara and her loving siblings and parents. We love hearing about the trips to the farm and all the wonderful outdoors.
I was fortunate to have grown up with the outdoors as my real playground - out in the country in deep South Texas. There is always - always - something great out there to explore and experience.
We pray for you regularly. You are always in our thoughts. Love and Hugs, Gem

Dee said...

HAPPY B-DAY Luke!!!!!!!
So HAPPY to hear you had the perfect day at the farm. Your Doc and Mimi know just what kids love! Days like this at the farm are what all our kids need.

I will turn their mourning to Joy!
I, JESUS, will comfort them!
I will make them Rejoice!

Jeremiah 31:13

Thank you Jean. You definitely have a gift for this Blog! You keep us so wonderfully informed with pictures and all; have an intense drive for keeping us on track to what we need to "HAMMER HOME" ! God Bless You for being the steady anchor.