Monday, December 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.


Anonymous said...

Kara - the picture is lovely and all of you look so nice! Happy New Year - my friend! Love, Gem

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for all the pictures Jean! Hope everyone is doing well.
Colt had his first wreck just 5 days before his 17th birthday. He was more upset over not making it to 17 than he was over the car. I, while grateful no one was hurt,was a little more concerned over the fact that my car was totalled. There are all kinds of hidden blessings like...Jaydon wasn't with him simply because he had to go to the bathroom (it was his side that was smashed in), the man that hit him was not injured, and neither was Colt, and it happened as he turned into our driveway, so the tractor was handy to drag it home and I didn't have to call a tow truck.
I've taken enough space for now, but I wanted to make certain you all knew that I'm still checking on you and miss you and love you and think of and pray for you and ....well, you get the picture!
Jana & family