Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Port Aransas

We all had a great time at Port Aransas this past weekend. Kara had gotten Emma and Luke toys to play in the sand with -- shovels, buckets, etc. -- and they had a great time making sand castles and burying each other in the sand. Emma especially liked looking for seashells and digging for little clams. We took both of the kids out to "the deep end," out past where the waves broke, so they could float and loll around with the waves without the waves crashing on them. Kara came out and enjoyed floating around with the waves, too. The pool at the hotel was also a big hit.

Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.

Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.

We went to dinner at the Crazy Cajun one night, where dinner was a bucket of stuff that Kara and I couldn't stand to look at! Thankfully John and Matt de-headed the shrimps and cracked the crab legs for us. Emma and Luke had fun beating things with the crab hammers.

It was a very good trip, and Kara had the energy to enjoy it.

Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.

- Thank you God for the opportunity to for a fun family outing, and that Kara was well enough to enjoy it.
- Thank you God for the complication-free completion of the Novalis procedure.
- Thank you God for all of Kara's healthcare team that has been working so diligently in treating her.
- Thank you God for the love, support, and prayers of Kara's friends, family, church, and all of those who keep track of her progress on this blog.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that Kara is able to resume chemotherapy.
- Please pray for good test results when Kara has her next scans.
- Please pray for insurance approval of the Herceptin.
- Please pray that the cancer be eradicated from Kara's body, permanently.

Thank you. There were three different cameras being used over the weekend, so hopefully John and Kara and Matt got some more photos we can share. I know Kara was clicking a lot!


Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, What wonderful photos of the family at the beach and what marvelous memories for all over your vacation week-end! It's so fun to see the waves and the sand and to be able to be part of them when you're there and I'm so glad you had such a good time! Hope all goes well this week with the treatment and esp. that the patient is rested and rejuvenated and ready for the next step. Thanks so much for sharing the lovely photos and helping us all feel that we were there with you! Love to all, Aunt Betsy

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a blast! That Luke, what a sunny little thing he is.

Dee said...

This hymn keeps resounding through my mind. When I can't speak; when there are no words - I can sing Praises to Jesus.

He leadeth me, O bless'd thought!
O words with heavenly comfort fraught!
Whate'er I do, where'er I be
Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.

He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
By His own hand He leadeth me;
His faithful follower I would be,
For by His hand He leadeth me.


Anonymous said...

Kara, Wow wonderful photos - what a great way to savor those moments - enjoy and and then enjoy again with the photographs.
The change of scenery is especially wonderful for you and yours. You'all look as if you are thoroughly enjoying!
We pray for you all during each day and night and hope each day is brighter and better in every way possible. Love, Gem

Anonymous said...

Hey Kara! So glad you had fun at the beach! The summer just flew by, didn't it? Well, I'm looking forward to our annual October trip to Old MacDonald's Farm, so put us on your calendar. This year it will have to be on a weekend so Austin can go with us, as he starts Kindergarten this year. I guess this means the men can accompany us as well! Hopefully we'll see you before then. Love ya, Kelly

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara! You look positivily positive! Radiannt! and beautiful! Too bad we can't put your wonderful sense of humor into the pictures...opps...bad was the wrong word. We had such a great visit with you and the kids. The improvements you are showing are so great! You continue to amaze and inspire all of us. God is truly giving you and Matt strength and working in your lives.
Love, gramma and papa