Friday, March 17, 2006

From Kara

Matt and I enjoyed a wonderful weekend away at the lake with the children. We had our own little cabin perched over a finger of the lake -- the kids could fish right off of the deck. Matt even caught a good-sized bass on Emma’s princess fishing pole!

Other highlights were canoeing all over the lake and stopping to picnic along the way. Luke was upfront with me, Emma was in the middle, and Matt was in the back doing all of the work. Emma brought her fishing pole with her to try for a big catch like her daddy.

We took a horse-drawn carriage ride to breakfast Saturday morning. While the kids enjoyed a pony ride, I enjoyed a horse ride myself. Though it was short, it brought back many fond memories of my horseback riding days and my horse, Bobbie.

But what I will remember most about this trip was a special encounter that I would like to share with you.

Just after we checked into the lodge and were getting ready to go to our cabin, the lady behind me asked, “How do I know you? You look so familiar to me.” We looked at each other but couldn’t place each other. This same lady saw Matt later at the lodge and asked Matt how she could pray for me, because she had seen me limping slightly. Matt filled her in on my story, and she revealed a similar story to him and said that she would be praying for me and would send out her “prayer warriors.”

As I look back, to me it was another way God was showing me he cares for me and was encouraging me. I will always remember her words “how do I know you,” because she recognized me as a sister in Christ, even though we had never met. Now we know each other as Kara and Wendy.

Dear God, thank you for the encouragement I receive through family, friends new and old, and those whose names I don’t know. I am learning faithfulness through my faithful friends and family. I am learning how to encourage others through those who encourage me. They are an inspiration to me.

Thank you for your healing!! I rest on your word.

"Then you will call, and the Lord will answer;
You will cry for help, and He will say ‘here I am.’"
Isaiah 58:9


Gina said...

Dear Kara,

What a wonderful trip you all had, surrounded by nature and opportunities to explore and enjoy!

Thank you for sharing about your encounter with Wendy. That's very encouraging, and it is again such a wonderful blessing that God has given you. Not only is He reminding you of His faithfulness and power, but I think He is revealing to you His great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4, one of Granny's favorite verses). We are so grateful for you and for the way that you share about your experiences. Have a wonderful weekend and give everybody a big hug and kiss for us!

Much Love,
Gina and Curby

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, I am so glad to hear that you and your family where able to get away for such an inspirational and relaxing weekend. It sounded like just an incredible time! You know I haven’t been on a horse in years either! Its funny how our lives change so much as we grow and something that was such a passion for us is just a past memory. I’m glad you where able to experience it again. I don’t know but I think it might scare me now a days :) ! Enjoy your first day of spring. Hopefully you are having much better weather than us cold Missourians. Always thinking and praying for you and your family. Love Laura F.

Anonymous said...

I am a former doctor from Parkview in Joplin. I started after you left but met you a few times when you came to visit the clinic. I have been following your blog for quite a while now and praying for you. As a mother of two young children myself, I cannot imagine how difficult this has been for you. It has been encouraging to read your words and the wonderful way God has blessed you through all of these trying times. You will continue to be in my prayers. Kristy Austin

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara,
How glad we are to learn about your fun trip to the lakes with Matt and the kids. It sounds like it was really fun for you to be "back in the saddle again" and to enjoy being in the canoe and fishing with the kids also.
Thanks for sharing how the Lord sent to you a sister in Christ to minister to you and encourage you on this trip. Thank the Lord; He truly is the God of all encouragement. We thank Wendy for her obedience in sharing His love with you all.
We love you,
Aunt Karen and Uncle Don

Anonymous said...

You continue to amaze me. Besides pryaing for the blessing of good health for you, I pray that I could also have your inspriation and focus. It is snowing here right now, so remind Katie and Jamie to take advantage of the Houston weather; enjoy the walks to the playground and walks to the park.
Love, Gamma and Papa

Dee said...

Bless You Kara for sharing Special Moments of your trip to the lake. It is so heart warming to read how God's Love is shining on you; sustaining you, Matt, Emma and Luke after all you have been through. He never leaves or forsakes us. Sounds like Matt is a gifted fisherman!

I appreciate your story so much about Wendy. I had this same experience when I saw you at our dinner after your Granddad Warner's service. You were holding Luke and I was in so much pain, distress; such agony in my soul. I could not look at you; I was so burdened. I cried out to God asking Why? I didn't understand, but God has slowly revealed this to me as I have seen your story unfold on this blog. Now I know when I have these feelings the Holy Spirit is prodding me to pray for this person. Now I will be as Wendy; go to them asking them if I can pray for them - continue praying for them. What an awesome God we serve. How He Loves You and me so much. May He continue to richly Bless You and Yours as He strengthens us all to new levels.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara!

It's me, Wendy from Chain-O-Lakes. I keep up with your prayer concerns via your blogsite. I hope that you have recieved my messages. I'm not very computer literate, so who knows where they might go? They might be out in cyberspace...ha! I keep you and your sweet family in my thoughts and prayers and I two am standing on God's Words for you! You look so beautiful in your pictures and can't even tell that you are in treatment. God's grace is amazing!
I hopt that we can get our families together sometime and enjoy some sweet fellowship!

Bless you!