Monday, July 18, 2005

Good Weekend

Kara is getting stronger by the day, and is gradually able be more active. She and her family went to Moody Gardens in Galveston on Saturday, and Kara got her exercise by walking around the aquarium with the family, and rested during a 3-D Imax. Emma had fun grabbing at the fish and jellyfish and bubbles that came out of the screen toward her. On Sunday, they went to church and welcomed Matt's parents to Houston.

Emma had a cold last week, which Kara seems to have gotten now. Hopefully it won't bother her too long, and she can get back to enjoying these next couple of weeks soon.

I lift up my eyes unto the hills --
From where will my help come?
My help comes from the Lord
Who made heaven and earth.
- Psalm 121

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for increased strength and diminished side effects for Kara before her surgery.
- Please pray for comfort and peace for Kara as she faces two major surgeries in the coming months.
- Please pray that that cancer is eradicated from her body, permanently.

Shark Tunnel
Originally uploaded by jeanjean78.

Thank you so much for your prayers for and support of Kara and her family.


Dee said...

I was so blessed to read and see the pictures of what a good trip you and your family had. I also marveled at how well and good you look Kara! As your Aunt Betsy said the twinkle has returned to your eyes - PTL!

Yet while Christ was here on earth He pleaded with God, praying with tears and agony of soul to the only one who would save Him from (premature) death. God heard His prayers because of His strong desire to obey God at all times.
Even though Jesus was God's Son, He had to learn from experience what it was like to obey, when obeying meant suffering.
Hebrews 5:7,8 TLB

The footnotes on this verse state Christ's longing was to live until He could die on the cross for all mankind. Satan's desire was for Christ to die prematurely before the mighty work at the cross. His body was frail; weak like ours. God heard and answered Jesus by sending an angel to strengthen Him so He could live to accomplish God's perfect will at the cross.

Jesus we ask for you to send an angel to strengthen Kara, her family; her medical team so she will live to accomplish your perfect will for her life and her family's. Thank you Father. To God Be The Glory Forever.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara,

It looks like you all had a fun trip to Galveston. What a blessing for you all to have a little get-away adventure! Am glad you are regaining your strength with walking. Step by step we trust the Lord is caring for you and providing just the right healing power.
We love you,
Aunt Karen and Uncle Don

Anonymous said...

Dear Kara, Thank you so much for your beautiful letter yesterday in your own handwriting and with your usual beautiful thoughts! How wonderful to see you regaining your strength to be able to get out and go and enjoy a family adventure to Moody Gardens. Now this is what we've been waiting for- to see you out and about with Matt and the little ones enjoying life- and with Aunt Jean giving full support to everyone and even getting marvelous photos for all of us to share your fun and memories. How good is this?! Kara, I'm so encouraged that your health is so improved and that the daily walks you and Carol or you and John take are building up your stamina little by little each day. These little mini-vacations help so much psychologically and emotionally and I'm overjoyed that you make a point of being up for them even with the fatigue factor being so great still. Just the change of pace and scenery can be completely therapeutic in so many ways. How special you are to push to participate so fully and what a joy to see the rapt attention Luke and Emma gave to the Shark Tunnel! You continue minute by minute in my thoughts and prayers, and I'm so grateful for you, our special treasure and dear child. Much love, Aunt Betsy